Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Forever Since

It has been forever since I blogged here.  SOOOOOO sorry.  Life remains in fast forward motion and time passes in nano-seconds!  But I wanted to share some things with you.

Marc played T-ball this year and daddy was one of the coaches!

His favorite thing about it was the uniform!  A close second was hitting the ball.  And what he did not like, at all, was standing in the out field!  Ha ha.

Getting ready...

 The hit...

And running to... second!  HA.  Marc usually wanted to skip first and head straight to second.  LOL.

Another really cool thing Marc has enjoyed this year was his first trip to Disney World!

It was a super fun trip!  The highlight of the entire trip was when Marc met Pooh and Tiger.

His face in these pictures says it all... pure, pure, deep delight!


We also went to the beach and that is our favorite vacation spot!  Marc loves the sand and even gave boogie boarding a try.  He got smacked by a wave and decided it wasn't his favorite thing!


Marc is really enjoying preschool.  He goes four days a week and knows all his letter and most of his letter sounds.  He can also write his name and trace letters!  He is very funny and his classmates and teachers all love him very much.

His favorite movie, right now, is Madagascar 3!  He would watch it 10 times a day if we would let him!

I pray you all are well.  I hope you are blessed by these pictures.

Love, Dawn

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Birthday Boy!

Here he is... the birthday boy in his scarf!  Yes, those are girl sheets on his new bunk beds but we have baseball sheets going on there very soon! :0)

We had a small birthday party and celebrated Marc turning FOUR!
He is very excited about being 4 years old and already wants to know when he will be five!

Marc is all about SPIDERMAN and so there he was on top of his cake!  He thought it was the coolest and the cake topper was another present! :0)

He blew out his candles and made a wish... not sure what it was but we sure hope it comes true!

Marc and one of his best buds trying on the birthday masks!

They are too hillarious!  Actually, Marc keeps us laughing about 20 hours a day... we do get a couple hours sleep!

And this was  Marc's major birthday present.  He is all about his big boy bike and wants to ride it every day.  He is very good at it already.

Here are some funny pictures of his latest haircut just for laughs!

Midway through...

All done and so so handsome!

Marc is really doing great.  He is learning so fast too.  He knows all his letters and many of his numbers.  He even drew an "m" the other day on his paper for "Marc"!

He loves Buzz Lightyear, Peter Pan, and Spiderman!

I will try to be better and update more often.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Marc's first day of school!

Marc had his first day of pre-school yesterday and was SUCH A BIG BOY!
We are so proud of him adjusting so well to a new school, teacher, and classmates!

I also am so sorry for SUCH a delay in posting.  This summer has been crazy as I went to Uganda for 11 days and we hosted two children from Latvia... one of whom is being adopted by a family in Chicago!

Marc is doing well.  He has learned almost all his letters and is moving on to his numbers.
He loves to play with his sisters but still finds it very difficult to play on his own.  LOL

We have been having FABULOUS 70 degree mornings and so Marc and the dogs (we got a new puppy last week as well) spend some time in the morning in the back yard.... the above is how Marc plays most of that time... standing and looking in the window.  It kills me!  LOL

Here is our new buddy... Charlie.  He is a vizsla.  He was a rescue pup and is very sweet.  Marc calls him Chawwlie.

Marc ventured into the pool this summer with water wings and scootered all around the pool.  Of course his favorite thing to do is the play with the water gun!! :0)

Now that things have slowed down a bit, I will try to get back in the habit of taking more pictures and updating the blog more.  Thank you for your patience.
Love to you all.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Back from the beach...

We came back from a week long stay at the beach and noone was ready to come home!
It was a wonderful time and Marc had a blast!
Not only did he love playing in the sand... he also boogie boarded with the big kids!
Here are some pictures from the trip... hope you enjoy!

I'll post some more in the next couple days...
Hope you all are well!

Friday, May 20, 2011

This smile makes my heart smile.  He has finally started giving me smiles for the camera!  Yeah!!!
We went to the lake a few weeks ago and Marc had a great time.  If you look closely, you can see how he puts his flip flops on by himself!  It cracks me up.

 This picture was taken a while back but I wanted to include it.  I like that he is chillin in his pajamas!  He probably was watching Thomas the Train on Netflicks!

He loves to ride his tricycle.  It cracks me up so the core of my soul how he gets this thing on it's side like this!  Who knew trikes were so dangerous!?

He had his last day of pre-school yesterday.  I can not believe summer is just around the corner!

Hope you all are well.  Hugs.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

We love Spring...

We took some Spring pictures the other day.  I didn't even dress Marc for the occassion as he made it clear he didn't like all the photographing for the Fall pictures.  And wouldn't you know it... not only did he WANT to do it this time... he gave me some of his best smiles EVER!!!

And not just once... but again and again!  So I did some fast thinking and... turned his shirt around backwards...

at least the clashing orange was gone!

We pray you are being blessed with the beautiful beauty of our Creator springing forth from everywhere!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Marc is THREE!

We celebrated Marc's birthday outside this year, as the weather was AMAZING!
It's hard to believe this little guy is three years old!  Wow.  Time really can fly.

Thomas and Buzz Lightyear are his two favorite things right now and Thomas won out on the cupcake toppers!  He also got a starter Thomas Train Track and two trains.  He was very happy about those.

 I think he was more pleased with the cupcakes than any of the presents though, this child is an eatter.

After we had some fun in the back yard, we went to the park to play.  I gave Marc some poprocks for the first time and it was pretty funny to watch him react to the popping in his mouth!

He wasn't as perplexed as I thought or even hoped he'd be... like I said... he's an eatter and nothing pretty much stops that process!  It was still a little funny!

I also bought him a little riding bicycle with some of the money you guys sent for Christmas.  When the weather warms up and the grass fills back in, I'll get him a slide or something for him to play on outside with the rest!

Hope you all are well.
Love, Dawn